Tuesday 21 June 2016






a person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby.

synonyms:creatororiginatordesigner,producer, fine artist; More



a person who habitually practises a specified reprehensible activity.

"rip-off artists"

     Wikipedia says An artist is a person engaged in one or more of any of a broad spectrum of activities related to creating art, practicing the arts or demonstrating an art. The common usage in both everyday speech and academic discourse is a practitioner in the visual arts only.
    An artist is therefore someone who is creatively minded , thinks of possible solutions to whatsoever problem or challenges in his or her society, he or she sees these challenges as characters in a play that seem to contribute to the interest of the play. He also sees challenges as colors on a painting palette that look rough and uncivilized but additively beautifies a topic on the canvas when applied adequately and appropriately.
  However, the purpose of an artist in the society is limitless as he or she creates and recreates the societal factors and conditions either to suit his time or for the general public. An artist in other ways can be referred to as the salt of the world due to the function of his or her creativity as a result of his or her discoveries, paintings, drawings, sketching, theories and crafts.
   Going down the memory lane, artists have been responsible for records keeping of images and events in the centuries pasts via their sketches of events, timelines, animals, images of icons, logos, sculptures, carvings in caves and so many more.
   Many people have considered artists as crazy people as it has been a common philosophy that they tend to see what other people don't or cannot see for hours but for the fact that "we"  see it in seconds have made "us"  crazy either by look or personality.
   An artist is always calm under whatever condition on ground, relaxes for nature to dictate because that's his or her primary source of inspiration, takes his or her time adequately for productivity purpose. Being an artist doesn't mean drawing everything, everybody, every time, everywhere or anything because the artist also has got bills to pay for his art supplies, even the mother-nature must be paid back.

Thanks for reading this article.

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