Thursday 19 November 2015

Oh Nature!

art to me is a different concept from what another person takes art for. there are various typology of human on earth, those who can create, those who can destroy and those who are major experts in recreating. but the most common factor of these three sets of people is TALENT. talent is not just what was naturally endowed divinely  but its a foundation for whatsoever one learns in his or her environment and how one can equally contribute back to the naturally source which is nature. nature is the ultimate source of every talent a man can be of on earth because the nature is the very first tutor a child is exposed to. Nature is a very wide phenomenon in the sense that it has no limitation for exploitation of mankind. this is so because the almighty formula behind the scene of the creation of nature is a limitless entity. Am never religious here because Karl Marx said and i quote 'religion is the opium of the masses'. but not withstanding an average very man would always give cognizance to the beauty of nature whenever it showcases its essence. OH! Nature. how wonderful you are... thou art the creator of some many destroyers and re-creators. 

                        be continued...  Awosola Angello'15